Ivan Volkov

Ivan Volkov

Ivan Volkov was born in 1992 in Protvino, Moscow region, where he graduated from the city Art School in 2010. Later he entered the Moscow State Art and Industrial Academy named after S.G. Stroganov at the department of monumental sculpture. After graduation, he studied at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ISI).

Ivan Volkov works with sculpture, painting, graphics, fabric and also appears as a performer.
In his art the artist reflects on the problems of the precariat: a socially unsettled stratum of society that does not have full guaranteed employment. Members of this class are usually the main characters of fictitious scenes with all their daily life and routine. However, Volkov does not just transfer what he sees to canvas, fabric or paper; his typical technique is to bring a single situation to the point of absurdity by replacing familiar realities with diametrically opposite ones. Moreover, the laconism of the artistic style helps to put all the paradoxical components into a whole single canvas.
Ivan Volkov lives and works in Moscow.

selected exhIbition history



Ketchup and Mayonnaise. Kupol Gallery, Moscow
Dog Wedding. 11.12 GALLERY, Moscow


Selected Group exhibitions



Young Art. BIZON Gallery, Kazan

Between the Lines. Triumph Gallery, Moscow


A Couple of Quarters from Here. Viktoria Gallery, Samara

OW. Street Art Museum, Saint-Petersburg



Final Project of Open Studios Residents (5 Season). CCA Winzavod, Moscow



Visiting Death. Plaxall Gallery, New York



Die Wahrheit. Saint-Petersburg ArtLoft, Berlin
What Are You Warried About? Ilya Kabakov’s Workshop, Moscow
Synchronous Dates. Ilya Kabakov’s Workshop, Moscow



Borders. Ilya Kabakov’s Workshop, Moscow



Russian Youth. Central House of Artist, Moscow 

Young Exhibition of MOSH. Moscow

selected Art Fairs


Art Moscow Contemporary Art Fair. Moscow
1703 Contemporary Art Fair. Saint Petersburg

Author’s works

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